Jeannie Moon: Success After Rejection

Jeannie Moon: Success After Rejection

We have all faced some form of rejection in our lives. Whether you were turned down for a date, or you couldn’t close that sale, being able to handle rejection is important. My guest today had the right mindset, which was the key to success after rejection. Her story will show you how constantly hearing a “no” can set you up for a “yes.”

In part 2 of my interview with best selling romance author Jeannie Moon. If you missed part 1 of my interview with Jeannie Moon, you can check it out here. 

Making Reading “Easy”

If you’ve never read a romance novel, you probably have an idea in mind of what the genre is like. You may be picturing a Fabio lookalike on the cover, and a low brow, amateur story.

Listen at 3:30 where Jeannie discusses the challenge of writing. In her words, “easy reading is dark hard writing.” Authors take relationships and bring them to a satisfying conclusion, but this is never a simple task. 

The 50 Shades Effect

Romance fiction is typically a niche market. At 4:20, Jeannie talks about the success of the 50 Shades of Grey series, and how those books and movies got more people reading. She says that when 50 Shades became successful, it brought in a younger demographic of readers. People today are more open to talking about romance fiction, and Jeannie and other authors welcome similar works that get audiences excited. 

A Welcoming Community of Authors

Do you work in a competitive industry? You may think that writing is a cutthroat industry to be in. However, as Jeannie discusses at 8:00, romance writers are more than happy to help each other through networking, workshops, and other types of support. One way Jeannie achieved success after rejection is by turning to a community of writers. 

During an average week, a typical romance fan will read at least one book. Many hardcore fans can even read a book a day. Writers know there are more than enough readers to go around. 

Publishing: A Changing Industry

Many years ago, the publishing industry revolved around major companies. Listen at 10:30 where Jeannie talks about the changing state of things. Today, there are smaller press companies. These groups, like Jeannie’s, allow authors to have more input into their works. 

How to Market a Writer

No matter what you are selling, it is important that you understand how to market yourself or your company. What is the best way to get your name out there? Jeannie has taken her share of “marketing for author” classes. 

At 14:40, Jeannie speaks about the different strategies she has taken to make a name for herself. She has found that what works best is marketing herself as herself. Her readers know her as a mom and a grandma. She brings every aspect of herself out on social media, to book signings, and in every other appearance. She believes that a brand has to be honest, and readers demand authenticity from their authors. 

To learn more about Jeannie and her books, you can visit her at

If you liked my interview with Jeannie, download more episodes of The Profit Express to inspire you on your journey to creating success.


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