Tag: Practice

Practice Closes Sales

Practice Closes Sales

Practice Closes Sales

Practice Closes Sales.  While you have no doubt heard practice makes perfect – perfection doesn’t close deals.  Sales is one of the few professions where your performance is measured every day on every deal.  So wouldn’t it make sense to practice?

The idea of practicing came from an unlikely source.  My son’s basketball league put out an email with a desperate request for coaches.  Since I never coached basketball before I politely ignored the 1st request.  Then came the 2nd request and I figured I would offer to help.

This was my 1st ever endeavor into coaching a sports team.  So being a new coach I did what all dads with no experience would do.  I went to YouTube to look up drills for youth basketball.  Then after our 2nd practice I realized how important drills and repetition are in learning and mastering a skill. While practice is certainly not a new idea, a light went off.
