Tag: communication

From the Trailer Park to the Boardroom

From the Trailer Park to the Boardroom

“Take a chance” is advice we hear all the time. Whether you have a great idea for a business or you want to pitch for funding, taking a chance is the most important step on your journey. My guest today took a chance, and it took him from the trailer park to working with top brands. (more…)

Improv Comic Takes on Bad Customer Service

Improv Comic Takes on Bad Customer Service

As businesses become more automated, it’s starting to seem like good customer service is a thing of the past. But it doesn’t have to be this way. My guest today knows the art of listening, and he is here to discuss how practicing improv comedy can make you better at customer service. (more…)

Navy SEAL Hails Jewish Business Owner a Hero!

Navy SEAL Hails Jewish Business Owner a Hero!

This week on The Profit Express, I sit down with Don Mann. Don is a bestselling author, small business owner, and former member of the Navy SEAL Team Six. Don shares his perspective on the story of Aaron Dahan, Jewish business owner of Caffé Aronne in NYC whose employees quit because of his support of Israel.  (more…)

Can Failure Be YOUR Key to Success?

Can Failure Be YOUR Key to Success?

We all start our lives differently. For some of us, our journeys begin easily, with good grades and supportive families. But for others, it’s nowhere near as easy. My guest this week is here to share how it’s not how we start our journeys, but what we do with them that really matters. (more…)

Can Millennials Sell?

Can Millennials Sell?

Rob Basso is an executive business coach, speaker, and an entrepreneur who has built and sold multiple businesses. He is also possibly one of the best salespeople I have ever met! Rob understands better than anyone some of the issues facing the sales profession today. Due to growing negative perceptions and changes in communication styles, Millennials and Gen Z are not choosing a career in sales. That is going to put a hurting on the economy. (more…)

How Can You Get Your Book to Sell?

How Can You Get Your Book to Sell?

Hilary Topper is a blogger, podcaster, and three-time author. With her writing background, she is all too familiar with the difficult facts surrounding the publishing industry: the average book will sell less than 300 copies in its lifetime, you have less than a 1% chance of getting your book even on a retail shelf, and authors cannot rely on their publishers for promotion. Hilary is one of many authors who has taken on promoting her books through book tours. She is here to chat about how she’s marketed her latest book, From Couch Potato to Endurance Athlete, and why you need to take promoting into your own hands. (more…)

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