Tag: small business

The Power of HR: Jackie Gernaey

The Power of HR: Jackie Gernaey

Behind nearly every successful business is a great HR department. Human Resources may not be everyone’s favorite topic, but it’s a simple fact that you need a good way to manage your staff if you want a fighting chance in the market. My guest today knows all too well how a star HR policy can set you up for success. (more…)

The COVID Economy’s Impact on Small Business: Jamie Herzlich

The COVID Economy’s Impact on Small Business: Jamie Herzlich

The COVID economy has had a major impact on small businesses everywhere. Over the last year and a half, The Profit Express has featured a number of business owners who have had to get creative and take even more risks than usual to keep their doors open. (more…)

Following Your Passions: Thereasa Black of Bon AppéSweet

Following Your Passions: Thereasa Black of Bon AppéSweet

What happens when the road you’re on is no longer the best choice for you and your family? Is it better to accept a life of financial safety, or worth the risk to follow your passions? My guest today is living proof that necessity is the mother of invention. (more…)

Building a Brand with Henry Kaminski

Building a Brand with Henry Kaminski

If you look around, it may seem like everyone has a podcast, blog, or business. How can you possibly break through when so many others are doing the same thing as you? Building a brand is complex, confusing, and can be stressful. My guest today is here to help you understand what you need to take your name to the next level. (more…)

Overtime Rules

Overtime Rules

Overtime Rules

To discuss the big changes to overtime rules and minimum wage I recently interviewed Small Business and Payroll Expert Rob Basso to share his take on how Americans will be paid in 2016.  Rob is the owner of Advantage Payroll and author of the Everyday Entrepreneur.
