Tag: human behavior

Want to Win the Year? You Have to Win the Summer!

Want to Win the Year? You Have to Win the Summer!

I have long said that “In order to Win the Year as a Sales Professional, you have to Win the Summer.” That is in line with another one of my long-standing mantras – “A year is a long period of time that goes by very quickly.” Before you know it, it’s the beginning of Q4 and everything just got serious.  (more…)

From the Trailer Park to the Boardroom

From the Trailer Park to the Boardroom

“Take a chance” is advice we hear all the time. Whether you have a great idea for a business or you want to pitch for funding, taking a chance is the most important step on your journey. My guest today took a chance, and it took him from the trailer park to working with top brands. (more…)

Improv Comic Takes on Bad Customer Service

Improv Comic Takes on Bad Customer Service

As businesses become more automated, it’s starting to seem like good customer service is a thing of the past. But it doesn’t have to be this way. My guest today knows the art of listening, and he is here to discuss how practicing improv comedy can make you better at customer service. (more…)

Artist Makes History on The Profit Express

Artist Makes History on The Profit Express

Everyone of us has talent. Whether you’re good at writing, selling, or public speaking, we’re all great at doing something. My guest today knew from a young age he had a talent for drawing faces, and today he is bringing smiles to faces everywhere through his Instagram, Drewzcartoonz. (more…)

Do Kids Still Play With Toys?

Do Kids Still Play With Toys?

We all have a favorite toy from our childhood. Whether you were a fan of Barbie or Battleship, you had something you loved to play with when you were little. But with a focus on tech and tablets, are kids today even still playing with toys? Is the industry at risk of failing? My guest today is an expert in all things toys, and he’s got some great news about the future of the industry. (more…)

Navy SEAL Hails Jewish Business Owner a Hero!

Navy SEAL Hails Jewish Business Owner a Hero!

This week on The Profit Express, I sit down with Don Mann. Don is a bestselling author, small business owner, and former member of the Navy SEAL Team Six. Don shares his perspective on the story of Aaron Dahan, Jewish business owner of Caffé Aronne in NYC whose employees quit because of his support of Israel.  (more…)

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