Tag: human behavior

Do You Need a Sales Coach?

Do You Need a Sales Coach?

In the world of sales, going it alone can be a tough road to travel. Sometimes, the missing piece is not a new technique, but a new perspective. My guest this week knows just how transformative a new perspective can be, and he’s here to show you how the right guidance can revolutionize your sales strategy. (more…)

Are You Comfortable Eating a Frog?

Are You Comfortable Eating a Frog?

Human beings are hardwired to seek comfort. It is in our nature to want to be in a state free of pain, rejection, and failure. Why do you think salespeople “don’t follow up” – they don’t want to be rejected. But, what if you purposely embraced pain and discomfort? (more…)

What Can Sales People Learn from Failure?

What Can Sales People Learn from Failure?

Michael Wright is back on The Profit Express, and he is here to talk failure. Last year, Michael launched his Beyond 40 mission to change the lives of at least 40 people through real estate. Like many of us, he experienced failure at achieving his goal. But unlike many people, Michael has learned from his failures.  (more…)

Want to Win the Year? You Have to Win the Summer!

Want to Win the Year? You Have to Win the Summer!

I have long said that “In order to Win the Year as a Sales Professional, you have to Win the Summer.” That is in line with another one of my long-standing mantras – “A year is a long period of time that goes by very quickly.” Before you know it, it’s the beginning of Q4 and everything just got serious.  (more…)

From the Trailer Park to the Boardroom

From the Trailer Park to the Boardroom

“Take a chance” is advice we hear all the time. Whether you have a great idea for a business or you want to pitch for funding, taking a chance is the most important step on your journey. My guest today took a chance, and it took him from the trailer park to working with top brands. (more…)

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