Tag: Sunny Bonnell

Sunny Bonnell: Being a Rebel

Sunny Bonnell: Being a Rebel

When most people think of a “rebel,” they picture a troublemaker. The truth is, rebels are often the ones who enact change in society. Being a rebel isn’t something that should be discouraged, but instead should be celebrated.  

My guest today is inspired by being a rebel. She is Sunny Bonnell, co-founder of The Motto Agency, a creative marketing agency with business partner Ashleigh Hansberger. Sunny is also the co-author of Rare Breed: A Guide to Success for the Defiant, Dangerous, and Different. Her book details how important it is to be true to yourself both in work and life. It also addresses seven “bad” traits (Rebellious, Audacious, Obsessed, Hot-Blooded, Weird, Hypnotic, Emotional) and how to use them to your benefit. 

Sunny’s Favorite Rebels 

Who are some of Sunny’s favorite rebels? Listen at 2:00 where she speaks about inspiring people like Emma Gonzalez and Rosa Parks. These two women made just one decision to speak up. To Sunny, that showcases what it means to be a rebel.  


Being True to Yourself with Sunny Bonnell

Being True to Yourself with Sunny Bonnell

Have the right plan in place. Don’t stray from the norm. Be conventional. It seems like there are rules behind everything that you do in business and in life. But what if we took those rules and turned them inside out? What if you started being true to yourself, instead of to what society expects of you? (more…)