Tag: Sales Stories

Do You Need a Sales Coach?

Do You Need a Sales Coach?

In the world of sales, going it alone can be a tough road to travel. Sometimes, the missing piece is not a new technique, but a new perspective. My guest this week knows just how transformative a new perspective can be, and he’s here to show you how the right guidance can revolutionize your sales strategy. (more…)

Want to Double or Triple Your Sales?

Want to Double or Triple Your Sales?

Is your business hitting 6 figures in revenue? What if you could hit 7 or 8 figures? While you might think these are impossible numbers to hit, the reality is, they’re fully within reach of your business. My guest today is here to chat about how with some quick changes, he took his family business to levels never seen before. (more…)

The Belt Story

The Belt Story

From how you dress to how you present yourself on a call, a lot of things can impact whether you close a sales deal or not. But you will never get the sale that you don’t ask for. This week on The Profit Express I tell one of my favorite stories about the importance of asking in sales – The Belt Story. (more…)

Never Assume the Sale

Never Assume the Sale

We have all heard of the Assumptive Close in selling. However, I am not going to write about the Assumptive Close today. Instead, I want to remind sales professionals to “Never Assume the Sale.” (more…)

Ready to Sell: George Foreman (From the Vault)

Ready to Sell: George Foreman (From the Vault)

Now that I have done over 500 episodes of The Profit Express, I have been looking back at some of my favorites. This week, I’m sharing a personal favorite from the vault, with a guest who is always ready to sell, even after losing a heavyweight bout.

George Foreman is a Heavyweight Champion who is just as famous for a trusty kitchen appliance as he is for his boxing skills. In this interview, we chat about everything from boxing Ali to how he knew the George Foreman Grill was the perfect fit.

Download The Profit Express to learn why, as a sales professional, there are no excuses. You always must be ready to sell, even if you just went several rounds in the ring.


The Profit Express is brought to you by Corbett Public Relations, Promoting and Protecting Businesses and Brands for over 30 years.

Download more episodes of The Profit Express: https://healysolutions.com/podcasts/


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Tim’s Top Sales Strategies & Tips

Tim’s Top Sales Strategies & Tips

You can’t find success in sales without the right plan in place. But how can you filter out weak leads and increase your numbers? Today I will be sharing with you some of my favorite Sales Strategies, Tips and Techniques – these are the same strategies that I use each and every day and that I share with my clients that are used in the field on a daily basis.  (more…)

Coronavirus and the Evolution of Sales

Coronavirus and the Evolution of Sales

The Evolution of Sales has taken us from the Snake Oil Salesmen of the 1800’s to the Solution-based selling of the 21st Century. The world of sales has no doubt seen some pretty interesting changes in the last 200 years. Today, Covid-19 is ushering in the next evolution to the world of sales. Let’s take a moment and examine how we got here. (more…)

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