
Tim Healy is the host of the business podcast “The Profit Express.” Check back every Wednesday for the latest interview with the biggest entrepreneurs, authors, sales professionals, and celebrities in business today.

Stop Setting New Year’s Resolutions

Stop Setting New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time of year again! Everyone wants to make big changes in their lives. New Year’s Resolutions are the hot topic among friends and coworkers. But the truth is, your resolution is likely to fail. In fact, only about 10% of people who set resolutions in January will end 2023 succeeding. (more…)

Tim’s Top Lessons from Sales Movies

Tim’s Top Lessons from Sales Movies

The Wolf of Wall Street. Glengarry Glen Ross. Boiler Room. These popular movies shine a Hollywood spotlight on the world of sales. And while these movies may showcase some of the sleaziest aspects of the world of sales, they also have some valuable lessons for sales professionals, and those who aspire to join the industry. (more…)

The Art of Selling Yourself: Katy Clark

The Art of Selling Yourself: Katy Clark

You may not realize it, but you’ve been in sales your entire life. From negotiating a later bedtime with your parents to fighting for a raise with your boss, everything you do involves a strong sales skill. My guest today is here to chat about how the dating world is really all about sales. (more…)

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