
Tim Healy is the host of the business podcast “The Profit Express.” Check back every Wednesday for the latest interview with the biggest entrepreneurs, authors, sales professionals, and celebrities in business today.

Diving into Delegation: Jenna Spencer

Diving into Delegation: Jenna Spencer

If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself, right? Maybe not. Choosing not to delegate tasks can mean you’re too busy to chase after money generating activities, and it can be having a major negative impact on how your business operates. My guest this week is here to help you lose the excuses and have fewer things on your plate. (more…)

The Belt Story

The Belt Story

From how you dress to how you present yourself on a call, a lot of things can impact whether you close a sales deal or not. But you will never get the sale that you don’t ask for. This week on The Profit Express I tell one of my favorite stories about the importance of asking in sales – The Belt Story. (more…)

Not Your Average Runner: Jill Angie

Not Your Average Runner: Jill Angie

Fat shaming is nothing new. For millions of men and women, that shaming can devastate their self-esteem and prevent them from living life to the fullest.My guest this week is helping women everywhere build their self esteem and will motivate you to lace up your shoes and take that first step out the door. (more…)

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