Tag: Tim Healy

The Art of Selling Yourself: Katy Clark

The Art of Selling Yourself: Katy Clark

You may not realize it, but you’ve been in sales your entire life. From negotiating a later bedtime with your parents to fighting for a raise with your boss, everything you do involves a strong sales skill. My guest today is here to chat about how the dating world is really all about sales. (more…)

The Belt Story

The Belt Story

From how you dress to how you present yourself on a call, a lot of things can impact whether you close a sales deal or not. But you will never get the sale that you don’t ask for. This week on The Profit Express I tell one of my favorite stories about the importance of asking in sales – The Belt Story. (more…)

Never Assume the Sale

Never Assume the Sale

We have all heard of the Assumptive Close in selling. However, I am not going to write about the Assumptive Close today. Instead, I want to remind sales professionals to “Never Assume the Sale.” (more…)

Going the Extra Mile to Win the Battle for Business: Reed Nunnelee

Going the Extra Mile to Win the Battle for Business: Reed Nunnelee

Whether in sports, business, or life, those who succeed always have something in common. The most successful among us are the ones willing to work harder, dig deeper, and be comfortable being uncomfortable. My guest this week is here to discuss why he always goes the extra mile, and how he adapts his strategy for every challenge along the way. (more…)

Stretching into the Franchise Market: James Immordino

Stretching into the Franchise Market: James Immordino

Here in the United States, franchises make up 3% of the country’s GDP. With more than 750,000 franchise units around the country, it can be difficult to choose the perfect business for your investment dollars. My guest this week is here to explain how he made the call to invest in an innovative new fitness company. (more…)

The Entrepreneur Mindset: Eun Cho of Haymaker Coffee

The Entrepreneur Mindset: Eun Cho of Haymaker Coffee

We’ve all heard of the American Dream, but how many of us achieve it? With nearly one million small businesses opening per year in the United States, it takes a lot of passion and hard work to break into any industry. My guest this week is here to explain how important the entrepreneur mindset is to success, and how he is committed to the pursuit of the American Dream. (more…)

Stop Selling Scared

Stop Selling Scared

There’s an old saying that I love. “Sing like nobody’s listening and dance like no one is watching.” But I propose a new part of that saying. Sell like you don’t need the money. This week on The Profit Express I discuss the pitfalls of selling scared, and how you can avoid falling into this confidence destroyer. (more…)

Losing Your COVID Fashion Sense: Theresa Cartisano

Losing Your COVID Fashion Sense: Theresa Cartisano

How you dress impacts how you feel. It’s simple: if you look good, you’ll feel good, and if you feel good, you’ll perform better. Working from home means that many of us are following COVID fashion, and we only look good from the waist up. Is this comfort coming at a price? My guest this week is here to explain why it is still important to present yourself well, even if your home office is still your workspace.    (more…)

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