
The Siblings: Me, Chuck, and Maureen

People Don’t Come with Expiration Dates

“Oh man, I better eat this before it expires!”

How many times have you gone through your fridge and said something like this in your life? A carton of milk, a package of raw chicken, a container of fresh strawberries. These things all come with expiration dates. If you don’t use them in time, they go bad and end up in the garbage, simply to be replaced on your next trip to the store. We know we better savor these items before it’s too late. (more…)

Coronavirus and the Evolution of Sales

Coronavirus and the Evolution of Sales

The Evolution of Sales has taken us from the Snake Oil Salesmen of the 1800’s to the Solution-based selling of the 21st Century. The world of sales has no doubt seen some pretty interesting changes in the last 200 years. Today, Covid-19 is ushering in the next evolution to the world of sales. Let’s take a moment and examine how we got here. (more…)

Lessons for Business Owners during Coronavirus 

Lessons for Business Owners during Coronavirus 

Coronavirus has dealt small businesses everywhere a gut punch like they have never felt before. States have called for all non-essential businesses to shut down, with no clear timeline in place of when things will reopen. This is easier said than done, as many non-essential businesses are also a part of the supply chain to essential businesses. Surviving as a business owner is more difficult than ever before, but coronavirus has brought with it many lessons for business owners around the world. 

The lesson we can all learn is timeless: the importance of relationships.  


How Interviewing Can Teach You Winning Sales Techniques

How Interviewing Can Teach You Winning Sales Techniques

Selling is about connecting with your prospect and making him or her feel valued. This idea also carries over in the world of entertainment. Have you ever listened to a radio interview and felt like the host and guest just clicked? This connection is something you should aspire to achieve in sales. Being an interviewer can teach you important sales techniques.  (more…)

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