Tag: marketing

The Entrepreneur Mindset: Eun Cho of Haymaker Coffee

The Entrepreneur Mindset: Eun Cho of Haymaker Coffee

We’ve all heard of the American Dream, but how many of us achieve it? With nearly one million small businesses opening per year in the United States, it takes a lot of passion and hard work to break into any industry. My guest this week is here to explain how important the entrepreneur mindset is to success, and how he is committed to the pursuit of the American Dream. (more…)

Living for the Vines: Stephen Scarnato

Living for the Vines: Stephen Scarnato

You never know where you will find your passion in life. For my guest this week, he found it in a wine making kit when he was a teenager. He has since taken that passion and turned it into a lucrative business here on Long Island. My guest this week is here to give you the hope and confidence to pursue your dreams, no matter how out there they may seem. (more…)

Pivoting from Traditional Marketing: Jeff Rosenblum

Pivoting from Traditional Marketing: Jeff Rosenblum

Big businesses love traditional interruptive marketing. Commercials, mail campaigns, and telemarketing have long been the ways to reach customers. But do these techniques work in a digital world? Not necessarily. My guest this week is here to challenge the traditional way of advertising and explain how you can set your small business apart. (more…)

The COVID Economy’s Impact on Small Business: Jamie Herzlich

The COVID Economy’s Impact on Small Business: Jamie Herzlich

The COVID economy has had a major impact on small businesses everywhere. Over the last year and a half, The Profit Express has featured a number of business owners who have had to get creative and take even more risks than usual to keep their doors open. (more…)

The Battle for Longevity: Sergey Young

The Battle for Longevity: Sergey Young

Here on The Profit Express, we often talk about how to win the battle for business. But what about the battle for a longer and healthier life? My guest today wants to change the way we think about aging. He is here today to discuss his big plan to develop healthier longevity for 1 billion people. (more…)

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