Tag: marketing

Building a Brand with Henry Kaminski

Building a Brand with Henry Kaminski

If you look around, it may seem like everyone has a podcast, blog, or business. How can you possibly break through when so many others are doing the same thing as you? Building a brand is complex, confusing, and can be stressful. My guest today is here to help you understand what you need to take your name to the next level. (more…)

Jon Taffer Shares How to Succeed in a Post-Pandemic Society

Jon Taffer Shares How to Succeed in a Post-Pandemic Society

Running a successful eatery is difficult on any normal day. Add in a global pandemic and more than a year of restrictions, and winning the battle for business can seem like an impossible task. My guest today is no stranger to taking care of the hardworking owners of the bar and restaurant industry, even if his advice is often a bit harsh. (more…)

Making the Most of Video Conferencing

Making the Most of Video Conferencing

As we enter what will hopefully be the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, workers have started to go back to the office, and face-to-face meetings have resumed. For many, however, video conferencing remains the best option. Experts believe the future of meetings is a hybrid between in-person sessions and video conferences. How can you best utilize video for your business? (more…)

Hilary Topper: Creating Your Social Media Strategy

Hilary Topper: Creating Your Social Media Strategy

Facebook. Instagram. LinkedIn. TikTok. Today, it seems like there’s an endless number of social media to join. We follow friends, entertainers, and companies, trying to make our pages stand out from the rest. But how do you set yourself apart from competing businesses? My guest today knows how important it is to have the right social media strategy in place. (more…)

Building an Online Community: Alyssa Guidice of Dine-LI

Building an Online Community: Alyssa Guidice of Dine-LI

Whether you use a laptop, cellphone, or tablet, you always connect with others online. While social media continues to grow, many people have begun to search for more of a community than they can find on their feeds.

My guest today knows a lot about building an online community – her Facebook group, Dine-LI, has nearly 27,000 members. She is Alyssa Guidice, and she is here to talk about how she has achieved these numbers, all with $0 for a marketing budget. (more…)

COVID Customer Service: Randi Busse

COVID Customer Service: Randi Busse

As businesses around the country struggle, taking care of your customers is more important than ever before. Does your existing customer service model still deliver the level of service that it did before the pandemic? My guest today is here to discuss the importance of examining your plans to meet the unique challenges we are all experiencing during COVID-19. (more…)

The New Sales Normal: Jeffrey Gitomer

The New Sales Normal: Jeffrey Gitomer

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, the world as we know it has been turned on its head. The business world has not been immune to these changes, and a “new sales normal” has resulted. For those dreaming of a return to how things were before COVID-19, my guest today has some bad news for you. (more…)

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